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The BEST way to create a repeating pattern in Procreate


How templates can help simplify the design process!

It's no secret that I LOVE to create patterns in Procreate. In fact I design from start to finish on the Procreate app. No Adobe for me!

There are a number of ways to make a repeating pattern in Procreate, but the more I create, the more I'm convinced that the best and simplest way is to use a layout template.

I did a whole blog post a while back about how to make your own template, but if you're new to making patterns, or haven't come across this method before, I have created a free step-by-step guide to show you the whole process.

You can download your guide and three great templates by clicking the image below.

I would LOVE to know how you get on with the guide and if you create any patterns using the template! Drop a comment in the box below, or tag me on Instagram @jasminehnatkova I'd love to see!

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